Wingra Boats Watershed Plan Presentation

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Last Monday evening Friends of Lake Wingra was invited to present the Lake Wingra Watershed Management Plan at Wingra Boats.   The plan (which may be found here) was created by Strand Associates in collaboration with City Engineering, Friends of Lake Wingra and other partners over the last few years.

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Jim Baumann and Roger Bannerman, both members of the Friends of Lake Wingra board presented the plan.  Jim also put together a written summary of the plan that is available on the Friends of Lake Wingra website.

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We had about 29 attendees from around the watershed present to hear about the goals of the plan and we also had good discussion of some other issues with Lake Wingra such as aquatic plant issues, and carp removal.

Kurt Welke with WDNR shared with us about the fish in Lake Wingra.  Sandy Stark shared about the SW Bike path prairie plantings and how they help with capturing some stormwater runoff.

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Phil Gaebler from City of Madison Engineering was present to answer questions about the plan and give feedback on various ideas put forth by the group.  8-10 WMP PG

Efforts that are covered within the Wingra Watershed Plan are actions that may be taken to improve the water quality in Lake Wingra.  These efforts include reducing the levels of phosphorus that reach the lake which leads to less algae and weed growth, reducing the level of road salts that reach the lake which leads to healthier aquatic life and increasing the amount of infiltration throughout the watershed area which reduces the amount of runoff, and also improves groundwater and spring flow.

Friends of Lake Wingra hopes that this plan will improve water quality within Lake Wingra and the watershed area.  Additionally, the efforts outlined for the reduction of phosphorus and road salts as well as the increased infiltration could be implemented throughout the Madison area for greater water quality improvements for the whole region.

Friends of Lake Wingra will be working on gathering support for the implementation of the Lake Wingra Watershed Management plan over the coming months.  Contact us via our email [email protected] if you have any questions about the plan.  Stay informed by following our website and Facebook page about how you can be involved in the implementation of the plan and helping to improve and protect Lake Wingra for the future.