Protect the Complete Streets Law


Among the cuts proposed in the recently revealed budget for the next two years in Wisconsin is a complete repeal of the state’s “Complete Streets” law. This law currently works by requiring that roadways be designed and operated in ways that allow all users access for safe and convenient travel. This includes bicycles, pedestrians, public transport as well as vehicles. This cut is one of many in the proposed budget and it is important that people that want to maintain Complete Streets reach out to their legislators to get this cut (and others) removed from the budget. If it is not removed from the budget it will automatically go into effect when the budget is eventually passed. The “Complete Streets” law is one tool that Friends of Lake Wingra needs to use in advocating for sustainability in the planned reconstruction of Monroe Street.

Along with reaching out to your legislators, talk to friends and family that live in other areas of the state as well. Urge them to contact their legislators too. Safe, healthy and affordable transportation is important for all of us and doesn’t need to be a political issue! Please visit the website of our friends at Wisconsin Bike Fed for more information.