Explore Lake Wingra

Lake Wingra offers something for everyone

Lake Wingra offers you a magical escape from the city and it is tucked away right in the middle of Madison. Largely protected by an undeveloped shoreline, you can hear the sounds of Sandhill Cranes and the dip of a paddle. 

Fall at Wingra Boats
Water Sports

Because it is a no-wake lake, you will mostly find canoes, kayaks, and stand up paddle boards. The lake has launch points at Vilas Park and Wingra Park. If you don't own a boat, you can rent one at Wingra Boats. You'll also finding fisherman looking for their daily catch during all seasons.


Vilas Beach offers a sandy place to dig your toes in the sand. Lake Wingra's shallow depths reward you with pleasantly warm temperatures. Here you'll find children building sandcastles, people of all ages enjoying the water, and friends and family having a BBQ.

Big Springs
Wingra's Springs

Lake Wingra's springs account for 35% of its water budget. Many trails allow you to walk by, see and hear the cool, clear water bubbling up from the ground. No two springs are alike and only a fraction remain.

Wingra Oak Savana Boardwalk

Parks and conservation space protect most of Lake Wingra's shoreline. The nearby surrounding land invites users to explore nature through a walk, bike ride, or other form of exercise. Many birders, wildlife enthusiasts, and families visit these areas.

Walking on HoNeeUm Pond
Winter Sports

When beach season ends, you can still find plenty to do at the lake during cold-weather months. It's one of the first Madison lakes to freeze. You can ice-skate at the lagoon or lake. Many people like to cross country ski in the surrounding green space, and of course you'll always spot an ice shanty or several out on the lake.

Log Rolling
Explore Unique Events

Lake Wingra has a connection to unique events and world-class athletes. It's home to four-time log rolling and two-time boom running world champion Shana Verstegen and Olympic speed skaters like Casey Fitz-Randolph and Eric Heiden. Other fun events include Dragon Boat racing, ice cream social paddles, moonlit paddles, and Grillin' 4 Peace.

Resources for places near Lake Wingra

Explore all the different places you can observe, connect, and experience with Lake Wingra!

Resources for activities at Lake Wingra

Check out some different activities that help strengthen your connection to Lake Wingra!

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