Stop the Garlic Mustard Invasion!

Odana Woods Wedgewood and Milward, Madison, WI, United States

Help us to combat the Garlic Mustard Invasion of the Odana Rain Garden and surrounding Odana Woods.  Friends and neighbors have been working in this area over the last few years to remove garlic mustard and other invasive plants.  Progress has been made and native plants are re-emerging!  Please help us continue our work to […]

Wingra Creek Cleanup

Strand Associates 910 West Wingra Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Last year's crew at the start! - photo credit David Liebl   Join us for the Annual Wingra Creek Cleanup on Saturday May 21 from 9AM - 12PM.  This fun event gives attendees the opportunity to cleanup along the shoreline of Wingra Creek by boat or by walking along the edge of the creek.  This […]

Rain Garden Installation – Blessed Sacrament Church

Blessed Sacrament Church 2116 Hollister Avenue, Madison, WI, United States

Friends of Lake Wingra has provided funding through our Rain Garden Grant program for a rain garden to be installed at Blessed Sacrament Church.  The project is being organized as an Eagle Scout project by Tom O'Shea.  The rain garden will be installed over 2 days, Saturday May 21 and Sunday May 22.   Please stop […]

Stop the Garlic Mustard Invasion!

Odana Woods Wedgewood and Milward, Madison, WI, United States

Help us to combat the Garlic Mustard Invasion of the Odana Rain Garden and surrounding Odana Woods.  Friends and neighbors have been working in this area over the last few years to remove garlic mustard and other invasive plants.  Progress has been made and native plants are re-emerging!  Please help us continue our work to […]

Friends of Lake Wingra 2016 Board Meetings

Sequoya Library 4340 Tokay Blvd, Madison

Friends of Lake Wingra holds monthly board meetings, usually on the first Thursday of the month, from 630-830pm.  The meetings are usually held in one of the meeting rooms at the Sequoya Public Library, stop at the desk for directions to the correct room. Board meetings are open to the public, if you wish to […]

Friends of Lake Wingra 2016 Board Meetings

Sequoya Library 4340 Tokay Blvd, Madison

Friends of Lake Wingra holds monthly board meetings, usually on the first Thursday of the month, from 630-830pm.  The meetings are usually held in one of the meeting rooms at the Sequoya Public Library, stop at the desk for directions to the correct room. Board meetings are open to the public, if you wish to […]

Saturdays & Sundays Purchase Monarchs & Supplies

536 Gately Terrace, Madison, WI, United States

Purchase monarchs and monarch-rearing supplies (instructions included). All Saturdays and Sundays through the end of August, 9-11 am, at 536 Gately Terrace, Madison.  Drop in for an informal look at our breeding operation, purchase supplies, and see monarchs at all stages.  Learn how to find eggs.  Before coming, check FoLW's facebook page, in case we decide […]

Monarchs for Kids every Tuesday & Friday

Sequoya Library 4340 Tokay Blvd, Madison

Monarchs for Kids at Sequoya Branch.  Tuesdays 2-4 pm; Fridays 10:00 am-12:00.  See monarchs in all the stages of their life cycle.  You can feed butterflies, and watch butterflies emerge from their chrysalis.

Monarch Action Day @ Olbrich

Olbrich Gardens 3330 Atwood Ave, Madison, WI, United States

Monarch Action Day at Olbrich Gardens (plus Blooming Butterflies in the dome).  Monarchs for Kids will be there.  You can purchase milkweed plants, monarch eggs, caterpillars, or chrysalids--plus equipment you need to raise them.


Wingra Creek Clean-Up

The Catholic Multicultural Center Community Environment Program invites you to join a fun neighborhood creek clean-up event. Volunteers will get the chance to paddle down the creek in a canoe, or for those who prefer solid ground, walk alongside the creek, picking up litter both in and around the creek. Afterwards we will go back […]