The Salt in My Water Softener Goes Where?
Tuesday, April 6 2021, 7 p.m.
We are collaborating with WI Salt Wise to offer this free virtual event. You can learn how water softeners contribute to chloride issues in our local waterways and hope you can join us! In order to attend, please register using the form below. When you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email and calendar invite. Once we near the virtual meeting date, we’ll send you a link to it. In the meantime, stay warm!
By attending this 1-hour webinar you will:
- Discover why wastewater treatment plants can’t remove salt from wastewater
- Learn about current salt concentrations in WI surface water and its impacts on wildlife
- Get a sneak peek at the water softener art mural in the Wingra Watershed
- What you can do to help your softener operate as efficiently as possible
- Understand how softener brine reclamation is a potential big win for reducing salt pollution