Roger Bannerman Rain Garden Ceremony June 2021

Roger Bannerman Rain Garden Dedication

On June 16, 2021 at 9 a.m. the City of Madison formally dedicated a new rain garden to Roger Bannerman. You can find it on the corner of Sheldon Street and Fox Avenue. The rain garden right off the Southwest Commuter Path reflects Roger’s lifelong work to protect our freshwater resources. Roger’s wife Jane spoke in addition to a few of Roger’s colleagues. It touched us to see so many people at the dedication ceremony. We can’t wait to see the rain garden evolve over the seasons and the years! Until you can get out to see it, here are some photos to tide you over.

This rain garden dedication is just one small way the City has honored Roger’s work. In 2020 the City of Madison renamed its rain garden program to the Roger Bannerman Rain Garden Initiative. One key component of the initiative a cost-share program during street construction projects. This helps make rain gardens more affordable for homeowners. To learn more about Roger, start here.