Prospect Gardens Work Party!

May 28 Prospect Gardens Work Session (9AM to Noon)

Summer scene - JB

Photo credit: Jake Blasczyk

Your help is needed to weed and mulch the Prospect Gardens, one of several gardens along the Southwest Commuter Path developed and maintained by volunteers.  Prospect Gardens are located along the Prospect Street ramps to the path. These are the second set of ramps west of Camp Randall.  Come join other volunteers on May 28th from 9 to noon.  You will be contributing to maintaining natural beauty along the path while enjoying the company of fellow Madisonians.  Dress appropriately including sturdy shoes and gloves. Tools will be provided. If you will be participating, please notify Jake Blasczyk at jacob84(at) so he can plan accordingly.    For more information about the gardens and past work sessions go to