Besadny Check presentation at Wingra Park (L to R): Susan Frett, Friends of Lake Wingra
Volunteer Coordinator; Ben Yahr, Friends of Lake Wingra Board Chair; Barb
Roeber, daughter of Buzz Besadnyand NRFW member; Caitlin Williamson,
Program and Development Coordinator at NRFW.
Friends of Lake Wingra are pleased to announce that we have received a $1,000 grant from the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin’s C.D. Besadny Conservation Grant Program! This funding will go toward the Lake Wingra Watershed Management Plan Kickoff campaign that we are planning for 2016. The purpose of this campaign is to help raise the awareness level of residents near Lake Wingra that they live in the watershed and that individual actions on their properties can indeed affect Lake Wingra either positively or negatively. A lot of people care about Lake Wingra, and we feel that they would make positive changes to their property if they only realized the collective effect on the lake.
We will be asking people to pledge their participation in a new Lake Friendly Best Management Practices for Property Owners program. Each of the practices is a step towards reaching the goals of the Lake Wingra Watershed Management Plan, which are reducing phosphorus and chlorides in stormwater runoff and increasing infiltration throughout the watershed.
To pledge your participation today please fill out our online survey found here. This system contains lists of actions that people can take on their own properties that will help Lake Wingra. Choose one option or choose to do them all! The online system will also allow the Friends to follow up with people who may want to install a practice such as a rain garden on their property but need advice or assistance in implementation or maintenance.
Each Lake Friendly Best Management Practice that is implemented will be a step forward in improving the health of Lake Wingra. Each step forward will benefit the residents of the watershed, the wildlife that use Lake Wingra as a resource, and every person who recreates on or near Lake Wingra.
The grant that we received does require a 1:1 financial match; we are currently seeking donations to help us meet this match. Find out how to make a donation to Friends of Lake Wingra.
We also need volunteer help with this campaign, if you can help please email [email protected].
The Friends of Lake Wingra would like to thank the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin’s C.D. Besadny Conservation Grant Program for making this effort possible. To find out more about their program and see a list of other 2015 recipients please visit their website at