CMC Rain garden project workday
Catholic Multicultural Center 1862 Beld Street, Madison, WI, United StatesFrom Laura Green at the Catholic Multicultural Center: There's a bit more work to be done: We are having one last, major work session to complete building the rain garden. The work session is scheduled for Thursday June 5th, 5:00 to 7:30pm. Drop in at anytime, and leave when you have to! Here's what we […]
Wingra Creek Cleanup
Take a Stake in Our Waters, Wingra Creek Clean Up Both paddlers and walkers are invited to help clean up Wingra Creek. Sponsored by Friends of Lake Wingra, Strand Associates, Bay Creek neighborhood Association Time and Place: 9 am-noon, meet at Strand Associates parking lot on Plaenert Drive, located at the steel pedestrian bridge midway […]
FoLW at Jazz in the Park
Wingra Park 824 Knickerbocker Street, Madison, WI, United StatesCome visit us at Jazz in the Park- Saturday, June 14, Wingra Park 3:00-6:00 More details to come!
Monroe Street Festival
Stop by and see Friends of Lake Wingra at Monroe Street Festival!
Measures of the Lake
Vilas Park 702 south randall ave, Madison, United StatesMeasures of the Lake- A public art project by Michael Peterson 4:30-7:00pm September 14, 2014 Vilas Park Shelter by Lake Wingra Come share your stories and experiences of this unique body of water at a community celebration and information exchange. Everyday thousands of people enjoy Lake Wingra and "measure" the lake through ordinary physical activities […]