Watershed Plan Presentation

Wingra Park 824 Knickerbocker Street, Madison, WI, United States

Join representatives from Friends of Lake Wingra at Wingra boats to learn about the Watershed Management Plan that has been developed for Lake Wingra.  Over the past few years we have been working together with City of Madison Engineering and other partners in consultation with Strand Associates to develop a plan to improve the health […]


August Paddling Evening on Lake Wingra

Wingra Park 824 Knickerbocker Street, Madison, WI

  Mark your calendars to join us for an evening paddle on Lake Wingra on Wednesday, August 19th from 6-8pm.  Bring your own boat, ride along with a Friends of Lake Wingra board member or rent from Wingra Boats (receive 20% off rental). We now have fun new Friends of Lake Wingra tshirts!  We will […]

Sunday in the Park by Jens – DMNA Nature and Culture Trail

Glenwood Children's Park 602 Glenway Street, Madison, WI, United States

The next event for the Dudgeon Monroe Neighborhood Association Nature and History Trail is a tour of the Glenwood Children's Park on Sunday, September 20th at 2pm.  This park is a landmark city park located between Lake Wingra and the SW bike path.  The event will feature landscape architecture experts who will share the original […]

Monarch Butterfly Virtual Sightseeing Trip – Wild Ones Monthly Meeting

Meadowridge Public Library 5726 Raymond Rd, Madison, WI, United States

David Thompson has been leading a monarch butterfly education project in Madison over the summer which culminated with several children raising monarchs from the egg or caterpillar stage and releasing them as butterflies in late summer.   Last winter, David visited two monarch butterfly winter refuges in Mexico and he will be presenting his photos […]


Friends of Lake Wingra Board Meeting

Sequoya Library 4340 Tokay Blvd, Madison

Friends of Lake Wingra holds monthly board meetings, usually on the first Thursday of the month, from 630-830pm, however the December meeting has been moved to the second Thursday, December 10th.  The meetings are usually held in one of the large meeting rooms at the Sequoya Public Library. Board meetings are open to the public, […]


Grillin’ For Peace 2016

Vilas Park Beach 1501 Vilas Park Drive, Madison, WI, United States

  Grillin' For Peace returns to Vilas Park Beach February 6th for their annual fundraiser and grilling event for Savory Sunday.  Check out their website for all the details.


Winter Work Day

Odana Woods Wedgewood and Milward, Madison, WI, United States

Come out on February 26th to help clear out invasive brush from the woods near the Odana Golf Course and Rain Garden.  This will also be an opportunity to meet our new cohort of Badger Volunteers!  We will meet at 215 at the corner of Wedgewood and Milward.  All are welcome but RSVP is requested, […]

Visit Friends of Lake Wingra at Canoecopia!

Canoecopia - Alliant Energy Center 1919 Alliant Energy Way, Madison, United States

We are excited to announce that will have a booth at Canoecopia for the first time!  Stop by at our booth for a free "Friend of Lake Wingra" button!  We are also planning some fun giveaways over the weekend as well - we will share more details about that on our Facebook page shortly before […]


Stop the Garlic Mustard Invasion!

Odana Woods Wedgewood and Milward, Madison, WI, United States

Help us to combat the Garlic Mustard Invasion of the Odana Rain Garden and surrounding Odana Woods.  Friends and neighbors have been working in this area over the last few years to remove garlic mustard and other invasive plants.  Progress has been made and native plants are re-emerging!  Please help us continue our work to […]

Wingra Park Work Party!

Wingra Park 824 Knickerbocker Street, Madison, WI

Join us in helping to remove invasive plants from Wingra Park and plant natives instead!  We will remove buckthorn saplings, garlic mustard and day lilies along the eastern side of Wingra Park and plant wild strawberries, wild ginger and trout lilies in their place! This event will be led by Percy Mather who has been […]