Applications Open For New Board Members for 2024

With the ice gone from Lake Wingra, we’re excited to see signs of spring in the watershed. 

We are looking for 3-5 new board members to join our organization who represent our diverse urban watershed! In doing so, our goal is to embrace the organization’s long-standing scientific integrity, collaboration, and passion for Lake Wingra. 

As we grow, we hope to expand the organization’s diversity, historic and traditional knowledge, community and neighborhood connections, and skillset. Based on the organization’s current board and priorities, we’re looking for interested community members with expertise in the following areas: 

  • Interest in engaging the community and love for the watershed
  • Partnerships and local community connections
  • Environmental justice
  • Historical and traditional knowledge
  • Aquatic, biological or ecological sciences
  • Fundraising
  • Policy and/or advocacy
  • Non-profit law
  • Art

To ensure our growing board is representative of the watershed’s diverse community, ideal candidates are either watershed residents or have direct ties to the watershed through work or recreation.

Board Member Commitments & Expectations

We are a small, volunteer-led organization and our capacity is determined by the level of  activity and commitment of our board members. At this time, the expectation is for new members to serve a 2-year term. Each board member is expected to attend monthly board meetings and serve on at least one committee: Programs and Events, Marketing and Communications, or Partnerships and Advocacy.

Does this sound like you?

If you or someone you know is interested in our work and fits any of the qualities described above, please submit the brief interest form here by May 15th, 2024.

Interested in helping out, but don’t want to commit to a seat on the board? To be added to our volunteer distribution, email: [email protected]. We’re looking for volunteers to assist with: 

  • Programming
  • Marketing and communications
  • Partnerships and advocacy

As the snow melts away and gives way to new growth across the watershed, we’re excited to provide new opportunities for the watershed community to connect with and help protect Lake Wingra!

We hope you’ll join us, 

David Ortiz

Board Chair