Three-Year Strategic Planning Feedback

Do you have a connection or interest in Lake Wingra? If so, we want to hear your thoughts about its health and how you would like to see us, the Friends of Lake Wingra, enhance our community outreach regarding water quality issues, partnerships, and collaborations. We exist not only to protect our lake, but to champion our active watershed community’s ideas and concerns. By sharing your voice in the following 10-15 minute survey, you and your fellow neighbors help us identify collective areas of concerns and projects where our watershed community can stay active.

We are excited to listen and your thoughts will help us form a three-year work plan so we can deepen our impact by building off of projects and outreach.  Help us keep Lake Wingra beautiful and healthy so those who work, live, and play in it can continue to enjoy it. Reach out to Casey Hanson, our program manager, at [email protected] if you have any issues with the survey, questions or just want to share some thoughts with a friendly face!

Thank you being part of our active watershed community.


Ben Yahr
Chairman of Friends of Lake Wingra